Career Assessment

Discover your true potential and find the perfect career fit with our expert career assessment services. Book now!

About Service

Our career assessment service is designed to help individuals identify their strengths, interests and values, providing them with detailed reports including career recommendations, skills gap analysis and individual action plans We are the ultimate agency to ensure that our assessments are accurate and reliable -We use standardized tools and techniques.


  • Holistic Assessment: Our career assessment service provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual's strengths, interests, personality and skills that provides a comprehensive understanding of their career aspirations.

  • Personality testing: We use personality tests that use scientific evidence to determine a person’s personality traits and how they relate to career choices.

  • Aptitude tests: Our assessment includes aptitude tests that help determine a person’s natural abilities and suitability for various career paths.

  • Career matching: We provide personalized career recommendations based on the results of the individual’s assessment to help them find a career that matches their interests and strengths

  • Industry Development and Modelling: Our research includes insights into industry trends and career metrics to help individuals make informed career decisions.

  • Skill Gap Analysis: We identify the skills that individuals must possess to perform in their chosen field and provide guidance on how to acquire them.

  • Study Pathways: We provide guidance on study pathways for individuals to achieve their career goals, including degree programs, professional studies and certificates

  • Job market insights: Our research includes job market insights to help individuals understand the demands of different jobs and career paths.

  • Individual Reports: We provide detailed reports that outline the results of the individual’s assessment, career recommendations, and insights that can be used to help them achieve their career goals.

  • Ongoing support: We provide ongoing support to individuals who complete our career exploration services, including training, career planning and job search assistance."

Plans and Pricing

Basic Career Assessment

New? Start Here!
₨2999 1999 One Time
  • Basic Career Assessment
  • Basic Report
  • 7 Days Timeline

Complete Career Assessment

Have an Idea?
₨6999 4999 One Time
  • Everything in Basic
  • Complete Report
  • 7 Day Timeline

CCA with Counselling

Lets Discuss
₨14999 9999 One Time
  • Everything in CCA
  • One Counselling Session Included
  • 7 Day Timeline
Must Try


Does career counselling will help me decide my career plan?

Yes, Career counselling not only help you to decide the correct career path according to your abilities and interests but also will help you to identify the ways you can actualize your dream career.

Do I need career counselling for college selection?

Most students thinks that they do not require counselling before selecting the college and make series of bad decision leading to loss of precious time and resources, all of which can be avoided by taking prior counselling.

How to select the right services for me?

To select the right services for you. You need to analyze your current status and career requirements. Or you can connect with us and get started.

How many session will I require?

The number of session are variable depending upon you individual requirement, and subjective to the candidate’s understanding and problem’s solution.

Why choose Logyify India for career counselling

We are here to provide you the best career counselling services with the help of experienced counsellors and guides. we are going to be with you with every step of your career journey.

Have Doubts? Let us Help!
